Company Profile
Company Profile
About us

Arch Meter Corporation, a unique company invested and in technology, supported by Prolific (IC designer) and ITRI (the largest technology research institute in Taiwan), was founded to provide electronic meters, demand-side management equipment. Arch Meter owns key IC components and the system products. We welcome cooperation through technology license, ODM, or agency. At Arch Meter, we believe that through the integration of metering, communication, and control, we can create enough value to share with you to challenge the future power environment.
Arch Meter is a new product oriented company, committed to pushing the forefront technology and providing the innovative customer-focused and cost effective integrated products to fulfill the need of future power management.
Arch Meter is a new product oriented company, committed to pushing the forefront technology and providing the innovative customer-focused and cost effective integrated products to fulfill the need of future power management.